Looking Ahead
People... With a dedicated workforce of highly skilled technical sorting and testing staff, as well as experienced purchasing, selling and administrative specialists, the company is well positioned to effectively service the needs of all national and global suppliers and customers.
Sales... Dominion Nickel Alloys Ltd.’s experience and expertise in the scrap metal recycling industry yields many benefits to our customers. Among them is our ability to effectively and economically supply high quality processed material in any size, form, and chemistry, which is guaranteed to meet our customers’ exact specification and quality requirements. Because all finished material has been produced to strict quality control standards, each customer - regardless of size - is guaranteed that every order will consist of nothing less than the highest quality product. Equally important, each customer can also be assured that after-sales service will always reflect the company’s uncompromising commitment to customer satisfaction.
Looking Ahead To Tomorrow... Dominion Nickel Alloys Ltd. has come a long way since 1969. In today’s global marketplace, we face both challenges and opportunities. We are pledged to confront both with the enthusiasm and expertise that have contributed to past successes. Rest assured, however, that future growth will never come at the expense of the basic business principles of honesty, fairness, and integrity, established by our Founder, Frank Fleisher.
"With the continued support of our customers, suppliers and most especially our dedicated and skilled employees,
we look forward to serving existing and future customers and suppliers to the best of our ability today....
and then doing everything we can to serve them even better tomorrow."